
Safer Essex Road Partnerships

Posted On: 04 June 2020

A message from the Safer Essex Roads Partnership (SERP)

At this time of year, we would ordinarily be visiting many primary schools throughout Essex to deliver Road Safety Education to Reception and Year 5 classes. We will obviously not be able to visit the schools this term, but we are doing our best to make sure your pupils don’t entirely miss out on these important messages. We have created a bespoke presentation that the children and parents/carers can undertake at home, or teachers can deliver in school. This will enable the children  access an important aspect of the PSHE Curriculum within Year 5 and will support the Early Years Foundation Scheme through Personal, Social and Emotional Development in Reception, whilst at the same time offering an educational activity for the children to enjoy at home.

The presentations have been created to be as interactive as possible, with many opportunities to answer questions and think about staying safe near the road. They are easily accessible through the ‘Education’ section of the ‘Safer Essex Roads Partnership’ website: We have provided letters to parents of each year group where this is clearly explained, these are attached. Additional resources for the children can be found on the DFT Think website

I realise this must be a challenging time; however, we wish you all the best and look forward to visiting in the future.


Please click on the links below to access the resources provided by SERP:

A letter for the children in Reception

A letter for the children in Year 5

Snakes and Hazards Quiz
