
World Book Day Prop Trail - amazing parental support!

Posted On: 03 March 2018

Once again the parents, friends and family members of Church Langley Primary School surpassed themselves during our World Book Days. Despite the majority of schools across the town closing due to snow, large numbers of people descended upon the school to join their children and ‘hunt’ around the school on a magical ‘story-based treasure hunt’. The children loved searching for clues and we were delighted to receive so many positive comments from the adult visitors, who despite braving the arctic conditions to make this event so special.

Our thanks must go to the staff at Church Langley, who had spent many hours creating the large props, which prompted so much discussion and debate. The winners will be announced in the coming week, along with the winning Hat designs.

Thanks again to everyone involved, as a community we’ve really pulled together during a very disruptive week for the benefit of the children. #feelingproudofCL